Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

I have to be honest I am more than happy to say GOODBYE to 2008 and HELLO to 2009. I have high hopes for this year. My first plan is to drop this last five pounds I have been working on. I am seriously rededicated to this. I am also hoping that our finances will settle down the first part of this year. We have a lot of exciting things in the works and are in a waiting pattern right now. I am feeling really optimistic and hopefull at the year ahead and can't wait to start it.

As far as our plans for tonight, we have decided to hunker in at home and play games with the boys and let them stay up WAYYYYYY too late and have our own little party. I am going to go get all their favorite foods, and make home made pizza. It should be a lot of fun, we will see. I have tried this before and realistically they just get cranky when they get tired and I end up sitting up alone. But to me this is better than just going to bed early due to lack of other plans. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to celebrate holidays, so I drive my family crazy putting together these little shindigs, I hope one day they remember how hard their mom worked to celebrate life!!!! :)

Happy New Year to all and be safe my friends. We love you!

Monday, December 15, 2008

5:30 AM Wake Up Call.......

This morning I woke to the sound of children playing outside in the snow......AT 5:30 AM!!!!!!! I am laying in bed and hear giggling and laughing and screaming so I look out my beroom window and there are all four of my boys having a snowball fight and building a huge snowman. Robert gets up and runs in the mornings and apparently he accidently woke up Bobby this morning when he left. So Bobby looked out the window and sees a winter wonderland that he had been patiently waiting for all weekend. So being the thoughtful big brother he is, he felt it necessary to wake up all his brother and help the little boys get dressed and go play in the snow. I couldn't believe it when I realized what they were doing. First off it was COLD!!! I didn't even want to get my cozy hiney out of bed, let alone have a snowball fight!
Let me tell you about this great snow man they built. It was actually taller than Bobby! Considering their meager resources they did very well. They were going for a whole family of snow people, but Carson kept destorying them as soon as they were done. So they decided to attack Carson instead. Poor kid, he deserved it, but this was his first year to really go "play" with his brothers. It was a lot of fun to see it. I took some fun pictures once it was light enough to take them, but I can't find my cord to down load them right now. So I will post them later. I just had to tell you about all the fun we had this morning.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

I have a good excuse!

Ok it has been brought to my attention that I am slacking in the posting department and yes I am, but I have a good excuse. I have been without internet for the last few weeks. I have been able to check and send email at work, but that is it. We switched providers and there was a little snaffoo in the process. But I am back up and running now so on with the posts.

That being said I am dedicating this post to a plea for help! I am a realistic person. I know that I have four boys ages 8 and under and I work 30 hours a week, so my house will NEVER be immaculate. BUT is it too much to ask for these beings to clean up after themselves? I am working so hard to keep my house picked up and festive for the holidays. Yet everyday I come home from work my house looks like a backpack bomb exploded! (Don't get me started on the fact I have a standing "no opening back packs until mom gets home rule.) Being the realistic person I am, I also understand that I must pick my battles. My chosen battle is too keep bedrooms picked up. I am losing this battle. I am trying to teach the boys simple talents to make life easier. Their rooms will look like confined disaster areas on any given day, and there are tears, and whining and crying, and more tears when asked to clean it. The older boys are much worse than the younger at these fits. Now don't get me wrong, I have fantastic kids, who for the most part mind really well and are very respectful, but they realy are slobs. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas I am open for this. Very soon our schedules will be changing and I won't have my Enforcer around as much as I do now, and I am going to need all the help I can get.

I promise my next post will be festive and merry and full of good cheer. Just needed to get this off my chest. (Deep sigh) I feel much better, so I am going to go hug my little pigs and tuck them into their messy rooms....(Actually they are clean right now cause I was mean and made them stay in them till they were done.) :)

Monday, November 17, 2008

A great movie

Ok so we went to Blockbuster on Saturday and rented a bunch of movies. One was called the Outlaw Trail. It was an excellent movie about a relative of Butch Cassidy and his quest to clear his great unlce's name. The more I watched this movie I kept thinking this looks like it was done by an LDS production company. Just the way people were portrayed and the dressed, and maybe the fact the whole story was about a group of boy scouts. By the time it was over I was OBSESSED with figuring out who did this movie. Well low and behold it was Ryan Little. All you LDS followers of my blog probably know who he is. He also did the Singles Ward and the RM. It cracks me up that just by watching the movie you can pick up on this stuff. Best part there was no language, no violence, and it was a great well written, and even funny movie. The older boys loved it. Anyway just thought I would share my found treasure of a great family movie for all

Friday, November 14, 2008

Tagging my Friends!


1. Where is your cell phone? desk
2. Your significant other? HOT!
3. Your hair? annoying
4. Your mother? special
5. Your father? released
6. Your favorite thing? kids
7. Your dream last night? weird
8. Your favorite drink? pepper
9. Your dream/goal? eternal
10. Your fear? alone
11. Where do you want to be in 6 years? happy
12. Where were you last night? karate
13. Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? chocolate
14. What you're not? perfect
15. Muffins? chocolate
16. One of your wish list items? money
17 . Where you grew up? everywhere
18. The last thing you did? read
19. What are you wearing? clothes
20. Your TV ? old
21. Your pet(s)? many
22. Your computer? crappy
23. Your life? happy
24. Your mood? great
25. Missing someone? brother
26. Your car? old
27. Favorite thing to wear? makeup
28. Favorite Store? Target
29. Your summer? short
30. Your favorite color? Purple
31. When is the last time you laughed? morning
32. Last time you cried? yesterday
A) FOUR PLACES I GO OVER AND OVER: work, home, store, church
B) FOUR PEOPLE WHO E-MAIL ME(Regularly):debbie, lindsey, nic, my boss
C) FOUR OF MY FAVORITE FOODS : mexican, thai, italian, Cheeseburgers
D)FOUR PLACES I WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT NOW: home,hawaii, ireland, anywhere (I am at work!),
E)FOUR PEOPLE I THINK WILL RESPOND: debbie, jenny, suzy, shawnel

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Congrats Bobby!

Congrats to Bobby he did amazing at his tournament. We are so very proud of him. He placed 1st in forms (this is a traditional demonstration of a tae kwon do form). He was pretty much flawless. He worked very hard and it paid off. Then he had to spar. He took 2nd place in sparring which was so good. He won every match except the last one, where he fought girl who was a purple belt. He did really well, but this girl was quick! Everyone was blown away at how well he did for his first tournaent. Here are some pictures of the awesome day.
Bobby introducing himself to he judges. The girl standing in the white is from his school. The other kids in the school of all ages were so supportive. They are wonderful. Mr. Rios (the instructor) made them these amazing hoodies to wear as a team. They looked very cool!
Bobby preforming his form in front of the judges.

The kids checking in and getting ready for competition. The guy standing behind them is Bobby's teacher. He is such a great instructor, and is so great with the kids.

Bobby showing off his bling! He is AWESOME!
This is a video of Bobby's last match. It happens to be the one he lost, but it took that long for us to figure out how to use the video function on my camera.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Anyone Interested????

I won 4 tickets to a special Kids program at the Ginger Rogers Theater call CSI: Foresnics. It sounds wonderful, however it is for Nov. 8th and this is the day of Bobby's tournament so I can't use them. It is recommended for grades 4-8 and looks like it will be really really neat. If anyone is interested in these tickets let me know before I give them back for someone else to take.

Here is a link for more info on the program:

I am heartbroken I can't go. Bobby would LOVE THIS!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Two more pics....

The boys insisted I include these cause they were their favorites.

This one shows how much candy they really got. I have no intention of actually letting them eat all of it. Just trying to figure out how to "make it disappear" when they aren't looking.

And it just isn't Halloween without Jack o Lanterns. This year was fun because the boys all had a hand in carving them. It was a lot different because I wasn't freaking out and yelling at babies to put the knife down.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

And now the moment you have all been waiting for.....

The costumes

Carson was a Rock Star, I talked him out of being Carson Lee in favor of the only thing he thought was cooler than himself. I love his confidence. He put his costume togther totally by himself. Apparently Rock Stars wear baseball pants, mismatched shoes which you can't see, and vests.

Jason was the Incredible Hulk. He used Bobby's green baseball socks a green sweatshirt and face paint. We stuffed his shirt to make muscles. He was pretty intense and scary.

Cody was Indiana Jones. He was very convincing. He wore my jacket from high school and Dad's hat and actually put this together at the very last minute because he kept changing his mind.Bobby decided to be the Karate Kid. He is pretty focused on his Taekwondo right now with his tournament coming up and kind of has a one track mind. As you can see he is pretty intimidating.
Finally, my hubby. In case you can't read it his tag says From:God To: Women.......

That is right ladies, God's Gift to Women and he is all mine!!!!

You will notice I am absent from our line up. I had every intention of dressing up, however when I got to work on Friday morning I found our store had been broken into. Some moron threw a log through my window in my office and decided to dump all the drawers from everyones desks and spray our showroom with a fire extinguisher before the cops showed up and busted his hiney! Needless to say I spent the entire day cleaning and was completely wiped out when I got home. Too tired in fact to even think about dressing up.

Here is one last photo of the boys bounty after trick or treating. They made out like bandits and I will pay for it everyday until the candy is gone. They are meditating around the bowl, not sure where they got this but it was pretty funny.

Yeah those are my feet, see I am in one of the pictures! :)

Happy Halloween all, now bring on Thanksgiving!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Fun!

We had so much fun last night getting ready for Halloween. I have to say the older the kids get the more fun holidays become. Let me start this post by saying that we have been going through a financially challenging time in our family. With both mine and Robert's jobs relating directly to the state of the economy we have been dealing in some difficult times, and been dealt some serious blows to our income. That being said I decided this year I was not going to spend ANY money on cosutmes. The boys could decide what they wanted to be, but they had to MAKE their costume from what ever they found in the house. So last night was our Halloween party at our house. We carved pumpkins, ate pizza and put together costumes. While I was slightly afraid the boys would maybe not look quite as "cool" as their classmates at the halloween parade, we went ahead and put some costumes together. I don't have pictures yet, I will post those later tonight, But the boys actually looked really great. Bobby is a beat up karate kid with bruises and a black eye. Cody is Indiana Jones, Jason is the Incredible Hulk, and Carson I think is going to Iron Man (He has decided he wants to be Carson Lee Le Bel for Halloween, the only not "stupid" costume he could think of.). Overall the costumes look good, definately homemade, but creative, and the boys had a BLAST putting them together. Then we watched halloween cartoons; the boys love "The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown", and it is so fun watch them laugh hysterically at Snoopy. I think we have created a new tradition in our family. Hopefully next year we will have some extra money to help the boys create costumes, but I think creating them and putting it all together was fun and excting for all of us.
Watch for my pics later, Robert also dressed up today, but I don't want to ruin the surprise you will have to check back for a picture later :) !

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Yes I am fully aware that I am a slacker!

Ok I know I have been really slacking at the blog thing lately. But I do have a valid excuse, we have been going through a lot lately. It has been a challenge just to keep up with the boys. But we definately have a strong faith in God and know we will pull through the hard times. That being said let me up date you all on what has been happening in the Le Bel home the last month.

First of just in time for Halloween Bobby is orange.......well his belt is anyway. We are so proud to let everyone know that Bobby passed his test on Friday and is now an Orange Belt! He did so fantastic at his test and barely made any mistakes at all. We are pretty excited about this he works really hard at it. He has his first tournament on November 8th and his coach has really high expectations for him. We will definately post some pictures when that time comes, but until then here are some of his testing. (Keep in mind these are from my cell phone, so they aren't the best quality.)Next Cody decided he wanted to play Flag Football this year. We were a little surprised because he has never mentioned it before but we went ahead and let him do it. He was on the Jaguars and actually did really well. He even got to pull someone's flag this year which is a big deal when you are only a second grader. He learned a lot and will be playing again next year I have a feeling. He was great at defense. He would step up to the line and growl really mean at the other players. It was awesome! We are so proud of him as well. It is so much fun to watch the boys get older and excel at what they love, and learn new things. Robert and I are going to be really busy running to Taekwondo at he olympics then over to NFL football games when they grow up :) ! Here are some photos of Cody and his team, they won about half of their games (weren't supposed to keep score, but those darn dads just couldn't help lol!) But trust me they definately had the coolest color of shirts.

We also had our primary program at Chruch this month and I have to tell you it brought me to tears. The boys were so cute up there, all the kids were. Bobby sung with a small group for two songs and did wonderful. They all did well on their "parts" and I was a very proud mom! Carson was so cute, he got up and said part which was "I am a Child of God" (no one could understand a word of it), then sat down and looked out at the crowd and started crying. So he sat with mom and dad the rest of the time. Did I mention his was the first line of the whole program. He was so funny though cause he sat in the congregation with the rest of us and sang right along with his classmates. There is something about children singing for God that opens your heart. I have to give a big thank you to the wonderful teachers who helped. They out did themselves.

Bobby also had the honor this month of reading a poem he wrote at Author's Nite at school. It was very exciting and he was very nervous. He read a poem he wrote about himself and each line started with a letter in his name. It was very well written and so neat to see him up there in front of the whole crowd. It was a pretty full house. The picture isn't very good, but I am so proud of him I am posting it anyway.

Finally to close I would like to share with all of you what happens when you make your kids go to bed early and they aren't tired yet........

Jason woke up like this, this morning. I asked him what was wrong with his face and he looked at me like I had gone crazy and informed me that he was born with that face. I told him to go look in the mirror. He had forgotten that he had drawn on it while he was in bed waiting to fall asleep. When asked why he would do such a thing he said he wanted to look like Cody (Cody had a party at school and they did face painting, it was washable) Jason's face on the other isn't washable and will probably take days to get all of it off. The good news is Jason wants to keep his face looking like this, it is "cool".

I appreciate all of you who read my blog and am sorry it has been so long since a post. I will try to do better, thanks to those of you who push me to post something. I am glad someone wants to read about my crazy life.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I love my kids!

I have had so much fun with the boys as they have been getting older! We have been cooking and gardening and going on walks. The older they get them more we get to do. It is so awesome. Here a few photos of my boys growing up!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ward Campout

Last weekend we had our annual Church Ward Campout. We had a great turnout and it was so well done. The food was amazing, the entertainment was awesome, and the activities were a blast. I ventured out on my own with all four boys because Robert had to work and they look forward to this all year. I was totally prepared for the worst and let me tell you I had so much fun! The boys were so good, and it was actually pretty easy to do! I had a great time spending this weekend with the boys alone. It was a great bonding experience and has definitely taught me that I need to spend some mommy time alone with them. Here are some pictures of the campout, and I have to say thanks to Grandma Debbie and Popo Bob for their help! Carson was so proud of how far out he went in the water. Last year he was so terrified he barely passed his ankles! Cody swam out to the dock all by himself (with a life jacket) for the first time and he was beyond stoked! During craft time they got to make these cute little backpacks with bears on them. They had so much fun. Lunch time on the Lake! Time to pack up and go home. Good think I had so much help!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

First Day of School.... Better Late than NEVER!

So it hasn't been a long time since I have posted but a whole lot has happened. I am going to start off with the first day of school. The boys were so excited to start, and more than ready. They all love their teachers and so far LOVE school. Bobby and Cody started last Tuesday and yes I made them pose for the infamous first day photos.... Jason started his first day of Kindergarten this Monday and he was so cute and excited. His favorite part was riding the bus and learning criss cross applesauce. He told us school was "Sweet" and "Awesome" and "Great". I still can't believe my Jason Wyatt is in Kindergarten. In his photo he wanted to be spiderman going to school so hence the pose. Then I made the big kids take a photo with him, as you can see they will be watching out for him this year! Poor Jason! Just kidding. The boys are so excited to have him at their school and take great pride in being awesome big brothers and walk him to his classroom every day.

And I will end this post with Jason getting off the school bus. Like I said before this was his FAVORITE part of the whole day. He is such a big kid now!
Well I have to get the rascals off to school right now so watch for more posts to come, we had our annual Church Ward Campout which was amazing, (and I went by myself with all four boys!) Can you tell I am proud of myself!

Friday, August 29, 2008

I decided to go with a more "boy" theme

I figured since my life revolves around boys, that at least for the short term my blog should too. Hence I got rid of the pink flowers and went with blue plaid.

Now I have to ask all you families with girls, what do you do in your evenings? We just got done having the "sweetest" (that is a quote from Jason) nerf dart gun fight in our living room. Everyone was hiding behind couches and chairs and shooting each other. I am not sure if it was before or after Robert shot me in the forehead that I began thinking I bet we wouldnt' be doing this if we had four girls......

Of course the boys (Mostly Robert the dad) got carried away and we had to put the guns away, but for the short time we played it was a lot of fun. i am positive we totally taught the boys a really bad habit of shooting people with nerf darts, but they were so funny rolling around like action movie stars. In my defense I didn't buy them the guns, grandma and grandpa did for Cody and carson's birthday. I am sure that in a few days I will be ripping nerf darts in half and silently murmering at my mother for buying them. But dang I say let boys be boys, and shoot the heck out of each other!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Family Campout and other news

Well we had our annual family campout, and while it was sooooo much fun, it was also really really cold! Back here in Oregon while temps were reaching close to 110 degrees, we were all freezing, and lucky if we hit 60. Then on the last night, which I loved, we had about a 12 hour lightening and thunder and RAIN storm. It poured all night long. But our tent stood strong. The boys loved it! The bad part was packing up the next day in the down pour. We got home everyone and everything was drenched.
The next day the boys and Robert headed up to Uncle Derek and Aunt Nic's house and left Mom home all alone for three days. Now first reaction is "Oh wow you must have loved all that time to yourself!" Ummmm no I absolutely hated it. It was way too quiet, and I have an OCD need to over worry about people when they aren't near me. So needless to say I made myself sick the first night and then pouted for two days. I pretty much wasted the whole time. But I think next time I will be able to better embrace the peacefulness. This is the first time I have ever spent more than a night away from the boys. On thing I definately liked was not being responsible for anyone!!!! I could go and do or not do what ever I wanted. I didnt have to check in with anyone. That lack of stress was definately great. But I am very glad to have my family all together in one house.

So the day the boys got back, was the day their cousins from Idaho came over to visit. They ended up spending he night, and I now owe my mom a huge apology! Here I was laying on the couch at midnight trying to get everyone quiet so we could go to bed, and all I hear is constant giggling, whispering, and more giggling, and I started having flashbacks to my childhood, when my poor mom was laying at home at midnight telling us if we didnt' be quiet and go to bed we were in trouble. It actually made me laugh! So I just left them alone and let them giggle and considered it my punishment 25 years later. We had so much fun while they were here. We swam, went to the park, had dinner parties and watched movies. I was totally exhausted by the time this weekend was over. We miss you guys so much and can't wait till we come to visit at spring break. It is going to be so much fun. Unfortuneately, I have no pics yet!!! They are coming though. I am going to steal them off the rest of the families blogs. My camera wouldn't cooperate with me so I got mad and put it away for the whole weekend.

School starts on Tuesday and Mom couldn't be happier!!!!! I will have three in school and only one at home, YAY! I seriously can't wait. We need some routine restored to our home. And the boys need some new faces to stare at all day. I think they are sick of each other. I am so ready for homework, reading, and a cleaner house. Not sure how Carson is going to react to being the only one home, but I think it will be good for him.

Oh yeah today just happens to be my baby's FOURTH BIRTHDAY! I can't believe he is four!

Happy Birthday Carson! We love you!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Le Bel Update

I haven't posted a personal post in a while so wanted to catch some things up. Life is going amazing at the moment for the Le Bel Family! We are enjoying our summer and getting ready for our Family Campout! The boys can't wait to see their Cousins! Just a couple more weeks unless someone explodes with excitment and anticipation.

Carson is busy being a kid! He is making a transition from baby to boy, and as fun as it is to watch, it kind of makes me sad. He is my last, so that means no more baby in our house. It is officially all Boy! And of all the boys, he is definately the most rowdy, rough and tumble. He is a blast to watch and has such a clever sense of humor. Plus he is smart as a whip and you always have to keep your eye on him.

Jason got his Kindergarten shots last month and went to see the movie Wall E with Dad. Neither of them were that thrilled with it. But Jason had fun on his Daddy Day and getting ready for school. He didnt' even cry when he got his shots, he is such a trooper! I am so proud of the rascal.

Cody is doing so well with his speech! He seems to improve everyday! He can say all those pesty difficult sounds he has had so much trouble with, and his conversational speech is great! We need to work on his speech when he is upset or excited now and he will be perfect. He works so hard and keeps up such an excellent attitude about it.

Bobby was able to learn an important life lesson recently, one that dad couldn't be more excited about. He learned to mow the lawn all by himself! Ok so Robert was right behind him, but it is a start. He needs to work on keeping the mower moving, it is still pretty heavy for him. But he was so excited and proud of himself.

Robert has also been able to enjoy the fruits (or vegatables) of his labor, as his garden is finally starting to give us a bounty. I was so impressed with the first cabbage of the year that I made him pose with it! Take a look it is way cool!

My hubby Rocks the Garden thing I am telling you! And just so you know ALL of Robert's pictures tend to look like prison photos! It is a Le Bel thing I think. How can you be so serious when you are posing with cabbbage?

Well I am going to close this post for now. Robert and I get a night to ourselves! My mom is taking all four boys for the night and I can't thank her enough. This doesn't happen often and it is greatly appreciated. So I have to get them all packed up and off to Grandma's. Oh here is a picture of Cody and I being "tough". I get complaints that I never post pictures of myself. So here ya go all you complainers.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

I've been Husband Tagged!

1. What is his name?
Robert J. Le Bel III (Fancy huh)

2. Who eats more?
Without a second thought he totally out eats me!

3. Who said "I love you" First?
I really don't remember, it was kind of a whirlwind romance. We were engaged after eight days! I am sure he probably said it first, but we were both thinking it at the same time.

4. Who is taller?
He is, I am only 5'3"

5. Who is smarter?
Depends on the subject, we are both brilliant ;)

6. Who is more sensitive?
Definately Me

7. Who does the laundry?
Mostly me but he helps when I get behind

8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
I do

9. Who cooks more?
We both do the cooking, but Robert is a much better cook than I am. He cooks a lot and does all the baking.

10. Who pays the bills?
I do...Robert is clueless when it comes to the finances.

11. Who is more stubborn?
HE is! I am a push over!

12. Who is the first to admit they are wrong?
We really don't argue that much. I can't remember the last time one of us had to back down.

13. Who has more siblings?
He does by almost double!

14. Who wears the pants in the family?
I think it depends on the topic.... Sometimes I wear them sometimes he wears them. Most of the time we both wear funny image......

15. What do you like to do together?
Talk, be with our boys, cuddle, eat!

16. Who eats more sweets?
Oh my Gosh it would be me, Robert doesn't like anything that isn't whole grain!

17. Guilty Pleasures?
Working out..... sick isn't he!

18. How did you meet?
We met at a singles church party. We didn't date until a moth or so later, but then things moved quite quickly!

19. Who proposed?
He did, on the spur of the moment after eight days of dating. And the crazy person I am I said yes instantly.......sometimes you just know!

20. What are his best features?
He is his best feature, he is gorgeous! I would have to say his best feature is his smile, it makes everyone happy and is totally infectious!

21. What are his greatest qualities?
He is very spiritual, and a great husband and father. He is loving and treats me better than I knew anyone could! He is very respectful of women, and especially me.

I am tagging, Suzy, Megan, Jenny, Shawnel..... anyone else that reads this and wants to do it. It as a lot of fun!

Monday, July 14, 2008

I found my Camera!!!!

And I think I am the dork that hid it! It was on my tv behind a picture! Well just wanted to update cause more pics to come! We are all going swimming tonight and Cody learned to swim without his jacket. He is so excited.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Update on the Fourth

Well we lived through another one and no one was mamed....although one was pretty close (those of you there know what I am talking about). Boy was it so much fun! The boys had a blast! I can't thank the Dell's enough for continuing to include us in this event. It is so much fun and we just love them so much! The boys think of them as family, so hopefully they don't mind.
Overall it was a great day. We had a great parade, and we were mean parents who made the boys walk there and back, carrying their chairs. It was only about a mile, but you would have thought it was more like ten! What a bunch of whiners. I take it back only the older kids whined. The babies were real troopers.
Unfortuneately we have no pictures! Again my camera has mysteriously vanished! I know I will find it again, proabably under another couch cushion. I am pretty sure an unnamed Le Bel boy was playing with it when I walked in and hid it somewhere. I can usually tell by the pictures I find when I find it.

Hope everyone had as much fun as we did on the fourth!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth of July!!!

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Fourth of July! We just got home from the CP Parade, and are getting ready for the BBQ with Robert's Parents. This happens to be his birthday party too! He is finally as old as I am! This only happens six months a year and then I am older again....LOL.
After the BBQ we are off to Gold Hill to watch our old neighbors create their own fireworks display, it is fun and scary and probably stupid, but this is year six and so far no one has gotten hurt so we blindly keep moving forward.

Anyway BE SAFE and HAVE FUN tonight everyone! We love you all.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Congrats Bobby!

Just a quick post to let everyone know Bobby is officially a yellow-one belt. He was very nervous and his teacher tourtured him (haha), but he passed his yellow belt test and now gets to start sparring!!!! We are beyond proud of our karate kid!!!

Sorry no pics, we didn't want to make Bobby any more nervous with flashes, he was pretty freaked out, and needed to concentrate.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Saturday Night Movie in the Park!

We spent Saturday night enjoying the sun and good food at Bear Creek Movie in the Park. It was so fun. It is a great program. Every Saturday in the summer they have a movie in the amphitheather. You bring a blanket and food, and games whatever. Hang out with friends , they have games and prizes for the kiddos. We packed some hotdogs, and chips, and of course popcorn for the movie. They give out free snacks and water. Then just before dark, they inflate a HUGE screen and play family friendly movies. Last night was The Bee Movie. And although we have seen it a millon times before, we have never watched it under the stary sky! And yes it was still pretty funny. However, because it was the longest day of the year the movie didn't start until about 9:30 and withing five minutes of the movie, I had three boys sleeping. It may have something to do with the fact they played real hard for the two hours before that.
Oh yeah I forgot to tell you the best part of the was FREE!!!!! How many things can a family of six do these days for free? It is nice to have a fun, affordable, and family oriented thing to take your family to do. We will definately be taking advantage of this awesome event. We have Surf's Up, Shrek the Thrid, Waterhorse, and Ferris Bueler's Day off (Date night for me and Robert :) still to look forward to.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Here is a scary story for you!

It was a bright sunny spring day. Birds chirping, warm weather. I decided to go shopping with my mom for the afternoon. Robert took the big kids fishing with a friend of ours and my step dad decided to take the little boys to the car show, aka the Medford Cruise. This is a big gathering at a park in Medford with tons of classic cars all fixed up. About an hour and a half into my shopping trip I get a frantic phone call from my step dad...."Cindy I need your help, I have lost Jason." Every parents worst nightmare right? Well if you know Jason Wyatt, he is a slippery little bugger. Apparently they were watching people climb a rock wall, and he let go of his had looked up at the wall and when he looked back down, Jason was gone. He really is that quick. So I was thinking no big deal they were at the park and he wandered to the playground or something. I told Larry I would be right there calm down. Well I showed up at the park and my heart broke. There were no less than a hundered cars parked EVERYWHERE, and at least a thousand people roaming around. I almost hyperventilated. But I didn't, i calmed myself and started my search. Two hours passed and we still hadn't found him. I was frantic at this point. We had the Medford Police involved at this point and they had called for back up! We had a total of six police officers on the hunt. To make matters a little more difficult, there was also a "tent city" of sorts set up with booths for different vendors.

A very nice lady at the playground recognized that I was at my breaking point (I later found out she was an ER Nurse) and helped me. She had heard they had found him at the trophy booth a few minutes earlier. We went there, and there he was. Sitting on a cute blonde girl's lap drinking water and reading a book. He said "hi momma". He was having a blast. Perfectly calm after being missing for more than two hours. After I was done sobbing for a while I asked what he had been doing. Come to find out, he had WATCHED us look for him, HEARD us calling him, and didn't come to us. He said no I didn't want to come to you cause you were lost. For those of you who know and love Jason Wyatt, you will understand. He wanders off, he always has. This wasn't the first we have lost him, nor will it be the last I am sure. But it was definately the scariest. He is so clueless to what happened we aren't even sure how to "teach"him anything from it. All I can say is it is a good thing he is so adorable, it got him out of a lot of trouble that I had planned to put him in.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Family Weekend

We had a great weekend. The weather was ok, kinda rainy but warm enough. We had tons of family stuff going on. We had Nic and Derek over for dinner Friday night, then we went to the Family Fun Center on Saturday with Nic and Derek.....let me tell you they are fun!!!!! to go to the Family Fun Center with. The boys had a blast, and won all kinds of green army men prizes. (Don't ask, I will be picking them up for days). Saturday Morning the boys and Robert planted the garden.

It is so pretty, and will soon be full to seams with fresh fruits and veggies. Our bishop is pushing really hard for every family in the ward to have a garden, and it is a relief to have ours to work on the three months of food storage. Sunday was our rest day of course and we had dinner at my brother's house. My sister came home from San Diego to visit for the weekend and although I didn't get to see much of her, it was nice just to see her face in person. I really really miss her so much. Monday we had a BBQ at our house and the missionaries joined us. It was so much fun. I love spending all this time with family. Now that everyone has moved away it gets kind of lonely around here.